Thursday, June 16, 2011

Paper Art: Decorative Pom-Poms made of Tissue Paper

I made them last night while my chocolate cake and cupcakes are baking. Multi-tasking much? LOL

I am planning to make lots of these in different shade for a dessert table decoration. Aren't they pretty?

Best Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

After countless of disappointing and deflating chocolate cupcakes, I finally found the best Chocolate Cupcake Recipe! Yipeee!

Boy, I'm so glad I heeded my sister's advice to try out a recipe she found on the internet. Although I have been using this recipe for months now, I just want to blog about it because I used to blog about this problem.

Here's the cupcake I baked last night, aren't they gorgeous? Don't you just want to gobble them up even without the frosting? Yum!

Cupcake Couture

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm Baaaaack!!!!


Echo! LOL

I know, I don't have any followers. Who would want to follow an almost-empty blog account. It's been ages since I blogged but I am back with a vengeance!

I have been busy with my day job and other sideline business. Basically I don't have any blog-worthy events but I think I have a lot to blog about, now that I am baking non-stop. Watch out for my blogs about my baking adventures.

In the meantime, here are some of the cupcakes and cakes I created recently.